Invited Talks
“Hester Thrale Piozzi’s Minced Meat for Pyes: Scrapbook Composition as Life Writing,” Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture Seminar, Oxford University, March 2, 2025
“Containing the Self in 18th-Century Pocket Diaries: Graphic Forms and Formats of Personal Information Storage,” Caxton Club, June 14, 2024
"The Camera Obscura & Spaces of Inner Life in 18th-Century England," USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute Long 18th Century Seminar, Huntington Library, February 2, 2024
"Lady Scott's Landscape in a Dark Room,” Gallery Talk on Paul Sandby, “Roslin Castle, Midlothian” (detail of painting on the cover of My Dark Room), Yale Center for British Art, December 5, 2023
Keynote Lecture, East Central American Society for 18th-Century Studies Conference, “The Camera Obscura and Built Environments of Inner Life in 18th-Century England,” Williamsburg, VA, October 13, 2023
Keynote Lecture, “Folds of Intermediality: Print as Word and Image in the 18th-Century Extra-illustrated Book,” Annual Comparative Literature Graduate Student Conference, “Print: Theories, Histories, Futures,” University of South Carolina, Columbia, February 23-25, 2023
“Folding in and Folding Out: Making and Writing the 18th-Century Extra-illustrated Book” for the “Reading with Jane Austen” virtual lecture series, Jane Austen & Co, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, February 21 2023
“Opening My Dark Room,” Literature and Loneliness workshop, Freie Universität, Berlin, July 2022
“Line-Making as Life-Writing: Eighteenth-Century Commonplace Book Design,” Columbia University Seminar in Material Texts, December 2021, virtual lecture
“The Camera Obscura and Built Environments of Inner Life in 18th-Century England,” Open Digital Seminar in 18th-Century Studies (ODSECS), University of Reading, UK, February 2021
“Altered Books Then and Now: Introducing 18th-Century Extra-Illustrated Books,” Book Talk Series, Center for the Book Arts, New York, September 2020
“Teaching Book History During COVID-19: Going Online,” Guest Speaker for Course, “Better Teaching with Rare Materials,” California Rare Book School, Los Angeles, August 2020
“Facing the Dummy: Dehumanization in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetic Discourse,” workshop with artist Lukas Einsele and philosopher Maria Kronfeldner on faces and dehumanization, Digitalstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2020 (canceled in response to pandemic)
“Line-making and Indexing for Life: 18th-Century Commonplace Books,” Centre for the History of the Book, University of Edinburgh, May 2020 (canceled in response to pandemic)
“Making Paper Windows to the Past: Eighteenth-Century Extra-illustration and the Art of Writing,” Symposium on the Book, University of Georgia, March 2020.
“The Eighteenth-Century Commonplace Book: Index, Table, Self,” Public Lecture, Wake Forest University Library, October 2019.
"'Everything We See is Seen in Perspective': Mediating Point of View in Optical Narratives of the Eighteenth Century," Global Early Modern Studies Research Group, University of California, San Diego, May 2018.
“Projective Casts: Fictions of the Camera Obscura from the Eighteenth Century to Contemporary Art,” Objects segment, Becoming Media core program, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library and Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies at University of California, Los Angeles, October 2017.
“Follies and Fictions: Affordances of the Psyche in Eighteenth-Century Gothic Spaces,” Group for the Study of Early Cultures, University of California, Irvine, 2016.
“Making Storylines in the Country House Poem: Interiority and the Play of Perspective in Marvell’s Upon Appleton House,” The Early Modern Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015
“Pope’s Grotto Life and Eloisa to Abelard: Foreshadowing Novelistic Interiors,” Southern California Eighteenth-Century Group, Los Angeles, CA, 2015
Keynote lecture, “Pamela’s Pockets and the Narrative of Everyday Life,” The Prosaic Imaginary conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 2014
“Detachable Pockets, Handwritten Letters and Samuel Richardson’s Pamela: Portable Interiority and the Eighteenth-Century Novel,” Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC. May 2014
"Grotto and Epistle: Novelistic Interiority in Pope's Eloisa to Abelard," Humanities Institute for Queer Theory, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, 2012
“Marching Thoughts on Paper: Margaret Cavendish’s Tools of Inwardness,” Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Interiors and Interiority, workshop, Cambridge, MA, 2011
“The Rise of Fashion in 18th-Century England,” University of Colorado at Boulder Center for British and Irish Studies, Boulder, CO, 2008
"The Aesthetics of Lifelikeness in the 18th-Century Novel," Borders of the Animate segment, Vital Matters core program, Clark Library and Center for 17th- and 18th- Century Studies, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 2006
“‘And these things are very various’: Fetishism and Fashion Defined in the Age of Enlightenment,” Center for Eighteenth-Century Studies Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2005
"Artifice Naturalized: The Gendered Objects of Trade and Empire," at Maritime Worlds of the East India Company conference, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK, 2000