18th-Century Literature and Culture Research Seminar, Oxford University
March 4, 2025
Co-convenor with Adam Smyth for Extra Extra!: the Material History of the Visually Altered Book conference, Huntington Library, San Marino, CA
September 27-28, 2024
Caxton Club, Chicago
Invited lecture: “Containing the Self in 18th-Century Pocket Diaries: Graphic Forms and Formats of Personal Information Storage”
June 14, 2024
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Toronto
Respondent for session on recently published book, My Dark Room, with David Alff, Ian Balfour, Lynn Festa, David Taylor, and Amelia Worsley
April 6, 2024
USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute Long 18th Century Seminar, Los Angeles and San Marino
Invited lecture: "The Camera Obscura & Spaces of Inner Life in 18th-Century England," Huntington Library,
February 2, 2024.
Yale Center for British Art, New Haven
Invited lecture: “Lady Scott's Landscape in a Dark Room,” Art in Context Gallery Talk on Paul Sandby, “Roslin Castle, Midlothian” (detail of painting on the cover of My Dark Room)
December 5, 2023.
East Central American Society for 18th-Century Studies Conference, Williamsburg, VA
Keynote lecture: “The Camera Obscura and Built Environments of Inner Life in Eighteenth-Century England”
October 13, 2023
Virtual Book Launch, By the Book Series, University of Chicago Press and Seminary Co-op Bookstore
Conversation with Jayne Lewis, celebrating the publication of My Dark Room
September 15, 2023 1-2 PM EDT
International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Rome
Panel presentation: “Pope’s Grotto and the Intentional Design of Inner Life”
July 5, 2023
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St. Louis
Panel presentation: “Follies and Fictions of Gothic Space in 18th-Century Landscapes,” on “Building the 18th Century: Histories of Physical Form” panel
March, 2023
Annual Comparative Literature Conference, “Print: Theories, Histories, Futures, University of South Carolina, Columbia
Keynote lecture: “Folds of Intermediality: Print as Word and Image in the 18th-Century Extra-illustrated Book,” for
February 23-25, 2023
Jane Austen & Co., Public Humanities Program, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Invited lecture: “Folding in and Folding Out: Making and Writing the 18th-Century Extra-illustrated Book,” lecture for the “Reading with Jane Austen” virtual lecture series
February 21, 2023
Freie Universität, Berlin
Invited workshop presentation: “Opening My Dark Room,” Literature and Loneliness international workshop
July 18-19, 2022
New York University Libraries Special Collections Center, New York, NY
Curator, Portable Devices, 1574-1998: Notebooks in NYU Special Collections, exhibition
April 19-June 30, 2022
Speaker, “Life Writing as Line-Making in the 18th-Century Commonplace Book,” virtual lecture
April 27, 2022, 2-3 Eastern Time
Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference
Panel presentation: “The Camera Obscura and the Architecture of Inner Life in Eighteenth-Century England” on “Beyond Pre-Cinema: Archaeologies of 18th- and 19th-Century Visual Media” panel
April 1, 2022, 9:00 AM CST
Columbia University Seminar in Material Texts, New York, NY
Invited lecture: “Line-Making as Life-Writing: Eighteenth-Century Commonplace Book Design”
December 14, 2021 5:00 PM, virtual lecture
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Online
Panel presentation: “18th-Century Commonplace Books: Line-Making and Indexing for Life” on “Material Manuals: Making and Using 18th-Century Instructional Books” Panel
April 10, 2021, 12:10-1:10, Sessions 15
New York University Libraries Special Collections Center, New York, NY
Curator, The Interactive Book, https://brevigrapher.github.io/theinteractivebook/, virtual exhibition
March 4, 2021-
New York University Libraries Special Collections Center, New York, NY
“Opening the Interactive Book,” Opening Lecture for Exhibition, The Interactive Book
March 17, 2021, 4:00-5:00 AM Eastern
Symposium: the Interactive Book, with Suzanne Karr Schmidt, Marissa Nicosia, Jacqueline Reid-Walsh, Gabrielle Dean
March 5, 2021, 10:00-11:3o AM Eastern
Open Digital Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies (ODSECS), University of Reading, Reading, UK
Invited lecture: “The Camera Obscura and Built Environments of Inner Life in 18th-Century England”
February 26, 2021 11 am EDT/ 4 pm GMT
College Art Association of America Annual Conference, New York, NY
Panel presentation: “Making Paper Windows to the Past: Extra-Illustration as the Art of Writing” on panel, “The Print in the Codex” Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) Panel
February 10-13, 2021 (Exact date TBA)
Rare Book and Manuscript Section (RBMS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL),
Panel presentation: “Introducing William Camden’s 1607 edition of Britannia” on panel, “A Few of our Favorite Things,” Membership & Professional Development Committee panel for the Getman's Virtual Bibliophilic Holiday Gift Fair
December 4, 2020 11-12 AM EDT
Center for Book Arts, Book Talk Series, New York, New York
Invited lecture: “Altered Books Then & Now: 18th-Century Extra Illustrated Books”
September 29, 2020
Digital Salon: “Face Matters: Why Do We Care So Much About Faces?” Darmstadt, Germany
Invited discussant: international discussion about why faces matter with specialists in philosophy, the arts and robotics organized by philosopher Maria Kronfeldner and artist Lukas Einsele
July, 2, 2020