

My Dark Room: Spaces of the Inner Self in 18th-Century England, University of Chicago Press, 2023. James Russell Lowell Prize for 2024, Honorable Mention, Modern Language Association of America

Organic Supplements: Bodies, Objects and the Natural World 1580-1750, co-edited with Miriam Jacobson, University of Virginia Press, 2020

The Self and It: Novel Objects in Eighteenth-Century England, Stanford University Press, 2010


Guest editor, Getting Perspective, special issue, Word and Image, Winter 2021

Guest editor, The Drift of Fiction: Reconsidering the Eighteenth-Century Novel, double special issue, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, Fall/Winter 2011

Editor, Interiors, special issue, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Spring 2008

Editor, War, double special issue, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Fall 2006.  Awarded Runner-up Prize for Best Special Issue of 2007 by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals


“Eighteenth-Century Pocket Diaries as Containers of Life,” Containers, special issue, Inscription: The Journal of Material Text—Theory, Practice, History 5 (Spring 2025): 43-51

Inside My Dark Room,” Los Angeles Review of Books, January 9, 2024

Line-Making as Life Writing: Graphic Literacy and Design in Eighteenth-Century Commonplace Books,” The Manuscript Book in the Eighteenth Century, special issue of Eighteenth-Century Life, guest edited by Betty Schellenberg and Alexis Chema, Spring 2024

Mirror, Box, Print, Novel: Optical Fictions and the Eighteenth-Century Zograscope,” Getting Perspective, special issue of Word and Image, guest edited by Julie Park, Winter 2021

“‘All That We See is Seen in Perspective: An Introduction’,” Getting Perspective, special issue of Word and Image, guest edited by Julie Park, Winter 2021.

“‘A Small House in the Country’: Cottage Dreams and Desires in the Eighteenth-Century English Imagination,” At Home in the Eighteenth Century: Interrogating Domestic Space, ed. Stephen Hague and Karen Lipsedge, Routledge, 2021

“Introduction: Process and Connection” in Organic Supplements, ed. Miriam Jacobson and Julie Park, University of Virginia Press, 2020

Feather, Flourish and Flow: the Organic Technology of Eighteenth-Century Writing” in Organic Supplements, ed. Miriam Jacobson and Julie Park, University of Virginia Press, 2020

Writing with Pen and Dildo: Libertine Techniques of Eighteenth-Century Narrative,” Journal of Narrative Theory, Winter 2020

“Making the Automaton Speak: Hearing Artificial Voices in the Eighteenth Century,” AI Narratives, edited by Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal and Sarah Dillon, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2020

“Heritage,” Routledge Handbook of Reenactment Studies, edited by Vanessa Agnew, Jonathan Lamb and Juliane Tomann, Routledge, forthcoming 2020

"Detachable Pockets and Letter Folds: Spatial Formalism and the Portable Interiors of the Eighteenth-Century Novel," The Prosaic Imaginary, special issue, ed. John Frow and Vanessa Smith, NOVEL, Spring 2017, 8-34

"Marching Thoughts on White Paper: Margaret Cavendish's Tools and Spaces of Proto-Novelistic Interiority" in Interiors and Interiority, ed. Ewa Lajer-Burcharth and Beate Söntgen (De Gruyter, 2015), 199-138

"What the Eye Cannot See: Watching Interior Landscapes in Mansfield Park" in Sensational Subjects, special issue, ed. Manushag Powell and Rivka Swenson, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, Summer 2013, 169-181

"The Poetics of Enclosure in Sense and Sensibility," Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Volume 42, 2013, 237-269

Introduction, The Drift of Fiction: Reconsidering the Eighteenth-Century Novel, special issue, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, Winter 2011, 243-248

"Frances Burney's Clockwork Characters and Lives" in The New Science and Women's Literary Discourse: Pre-Figuring Frankenstein, ed. Judy A. Hayden, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2011, 147-164

"Moving Parts," introductory essay for Interiors, special issue, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Spring 2008, v-ix

"War and Fiction in the Eighteenth Century," introductory essay for War, special issue, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Fall 2006, vii-xii

"Pains and Pleasures of the Automaton: Frances Burney's Mechanics of Abjection," Eighteenth-Century Studies, Fall 2006, 23-49

"'I Shall Enter Her Heart': Fetishizing Feeling in Clarissa," Studies in the Novel, Winter 2005, 371-393

"Unheimlich Maneuvers: Eighteenth-Century Dolls and Repetitions in Freud," The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, Spring 2003, 45-68


Portable Devices, 1574-1998: Notebooks in NYU Special Collections, Special Collections Center, New York University Libraries, April 2022-

The Interactive Book, virtual exhibition, Special Collections Center, New York University Libraries, March 2021-


"Windows Into the Soul: the Eighteenth Century and Genesis of Inner Life," profile of research on "My Dark Room" during Folger Long-Term Fellowship, Folger Magazine, Spring 2014.


“The Life Writing of Elizabeth Marsh, an Eighteenth-Century Global Woman,” UCLA Library Special Collections Blog, May 9, 2018 and Eighteenth-Century Common: A Public Humanities Website for Enthusiasts of Eighteenth-Century Studies, June 4, 2018

"The Novel and Moral Philosophy 2: Telling and Feeling, Aunts and Letters," Wine Dark Sea: Literary and Cultural History at the Level of the Sentence, blog of Michael Witmore, October 25, 2014

"Interiority and Jane Porter's Pocket Diary," The Collation: Research and Exploration at the Folger, July 24, 2014